Find your voice.
Theory. Filmmaking. History. Art. Rhetoric. Storytelling. Philosophy. Social Justice. Skills.
Who are we?
A Cutting Edge Department
Film Studies at Connecticut College integrates film theory and practice in ways that you won't find anywhere else. Our film production curriculum teaches fundamental and advanced technique, craft, art, and skills like a traditional “film school” while integrating the intellectual and theoretical field of Film Studies. This means while you are writing and directing your own films, you are immersed in watching, discussing, writing about, thinking about, and talking about films in all your classes. We are an immersive theory and art department.
The New Literature Degree
Our world bombards us with images a steady stream of moving pictures delivers messages that solicit us, elicit our emotions, and shape our worldviews. We understand that “film” doesn’t end with the cinema – it extends to television, Netflix, Instagram, Snapchat, Hulu, news media and beyond. And as we consume moving images, they consume us. In order to truly understand our culture – and ourselves – we need to understand how filmic representations work, and work on us. Therefore…
Our Mission
is to cultivate a truly moving picture literacy so that we can take back our power as consumers, and to become thoughtful and socially responsible producers. Our method is to integrate theory with practice, combining film scholarship with creative work in film production, as we analyze the moving image in classical Hollywood cinema, documentary, independent and experimental film, television, and other national cinemas. With this work, we become able both to withstand the seduction of images and to wield their power.