Half the world, in one semester
The following is adapted from a Feb. 16 post to the @ConnCollegeLive Experience Blog.
My binder has become kind of an issue.
It’s not ugly or anything; it’s a plain blue one, with the syllabi and notes and doodles from all my classes clasped securely within it. It’s a regular binder. But every time I open it, I want to shuck off this winter coat, put on some short shorts and just talk to people from all over the world. (The shorts just come with the territory.) My binder is giving me serious wanderlust.
To be fair, it’s not the binder’s fault; it’s the syllabi and the notes within it that have a prominent global theme.
For example, one day I watched the 2001 film “Lagaan” for my “Bollywood and Globalization” class, then read about Muslim women writers in the early 20th century for my “Global Islamic Studies” class, all before choosing a presentation topic with a focus on Latin America for my “Theorizing Race and Ethnicity” class. In four hours, I covered South Asia, the Middle East and Latin America.
Not to mention that one of my other classes, “Global Queer Histories,” is metaphorically traveling through various regions of the globe to analyze queer history, traditions and prejudice. We started with the Middle East and we’re moving on to Native American two-spirit traditions next.
Is it any wonder, then, that my binder stresses me out? It’s got half the world in it, and I couldn’t be happier.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go finish a non-fiction piece about Puerto Rico for my narrative non-fiction class. Wanderlust has seeped into everything.